Kortexino API Reference

Control Kortexino bot woith Arduino

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API Overview:

The Kortexino API is very simple. It just contains two objects:

The Kortexino Object, which represents the information transmitted from the Kortexino app via Bluetooth.

The Robot Object, which represents the state of the Kortexino bot motors.

You can download the library with an empty Arduino project here.

Check out the manual for additional information.

The Kortexino Object

Represents the information transmitted from the Kortexino app via Bluetooth


bool kortexino.data_available

True, if data was received via Bluetooth

bool kortexino.face_detected

True, if a face is currently being detected


byte kortexino.face_distance

The distance between the detected face and the iPhone in cm

int kortexino.yaw_to_bot

The yaw angle (i.e. left vs right) between the detected face and the iPhone in positive or negative degrees

int kortexino.pitch_to_bot

The pitch angle (i.e. up vs down) between the detected face and the iPhone in positive or negative degrees

int kortexino.roll_to_bot

The roll angle (i.e. face roll clockwise vs anticlockwise) between the detected face and the iPhone in positive or negative degrees

byte kortexino.smile

Detected smile face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.tongue_out

Detected tongue out face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.kiss

Detected kissing lips face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.mouth_open

Detected open mouth face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.wink_left

Detected wink of left eye face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.wink_right

Detected wink of right eye face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.brows_down

Detected eyebrows down face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.brows_up

Detected eyebrows up face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.teeth

Detected gnash teeth face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.eyes_wide

Detected eyes wide open face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.mouth_down

Detected frowning lips face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

byte kortexino.eyes_closed

Detected both eyes closed face expression (number between 0-255 corresponds to 0-100%)

int kortexino.compase

Compass heading in degrees

int kortexino.gyro_x

Direction of gravity (x component of 3D vector) between -100 and 100 (corresponding to -1 and 1)

int kortexino.gyro_y

Direction of gravity (x component of 3D vector) between -100 and 100 (corresponding to -1 and 1)

int kortexino.gyro_z

Direction of gravity (x component of 3D vector) between -100 and 100 (corresponding to -1 and 1)


void kortexino.read_data()

Read data received via Bluetooth into the kortexino object.

The Robot Object

Represents the state of the Kortexino bot motors


void robot.start()

Initialize the Romeo BLE micro controller.

void robot.move_forward(char motor_speed)

Set the speed of both motors to move the robot forward. char motor_speed: set to a number between 0 and 150 to control motor speed.

void robot.move_backward(char motor_speed)

Set the speed of both motors to move the robot backwards. char motor_speed: set to a number between 0 and 150 to control motor speed.

void robot.turn_right(char motor_speed)

Set the speed of both motors to turn the robot right. char motor_speed: set to a number between 0 and 150 to control motor speed.

void robot.turn_left(char motor_speed)

Set the speed of both motors to turn the robot left. char motor_speed: set to a number between 0 and 150 to control motor speed.

void robot.stop_movement()

Set the speed of both motors to stop their movements.

void robot.set_motor(byte motor, char motor_speed, bool forward)

Set the speed of one motor. byte motor: set to 1 or 2 to control motor 1 or motor 2; char motor_speed: set to a number between 0 and 150 to control motor speed; bool forward: set to true for forward movement, false for backward movement.

You can use combinations of this function to control any movement of the two motors.